Flow Happens When We Melt.

There was a time in my life when I held fast to the absolutely rigid thoughts based on what I believed life should be for me, meaning: I was owed something.
Tainted by my own mess, I had just cause to feel numb, unsure and insolent toward life, and I kept trying to bleed a bit more into a vial that couldn’t be filled. It soon became evident that clinging to resentment was too hard, and my results were more than redundant, cold and tiresome.
Something had to give… that something was me.
My stubbornness and excuses kept me in a downward spiral. I finally got to a point where it didn’t make sense anymore, and I was exhausted trying to live up to my own bane.
I could feel my heart wanting to take the leap, but the past placed trust at an incredibly unreachable distance, as it had been broken so many times before. I was guarded, weary, and meticulously slow in opening the door to jump — yet for some reason I did.
It must have been the little glimpses of tangible love taunting my being. They were persistent, they were bold, and they pissed me off. They would show when I needed them the most, but my head was too warped in my filthy ego and mired with the thoughts of no credible relevance. I just couldn’t believe I deserved anything else.
Then something snapped.
I don’t remember why, but I do remember the feeling. And so it is in life, the whys and the details are often buried, yet all of a sudden, I realized a softer me — and I liked it.
Perhaps pushing down all the nasties — blame, shame and guilt — for things beyond my control finally came to a head. Perhaps I got to a point where it’s no fun anymore and a thousand apologies couldn’t even begin to cover the emotions.
I may or may not ever know the real catalyst, but for now it isn’t important. What is pertinent, true and real is acceptance. The Savior of all Saviors, the God-self of forgiveness, the path to getting un-f*cked begins and ends there. Everything in between is just fluff.
Change takes time and acceptance, and it works on us in many unseen ways. The key is to surrender, to find it, and unlock that closed mind. We have to get over ourselves and into our liquid heart.
I promise, flow happens when we melt.
And when we dissolve into surrender, there is alchemy in the mind, in the body and in the soul. When you are here, give alms for the moment to happen — the experience is an act of pure synergy.
It is the art of letting yesterday be just that, with no thought of tomorrow. Then we are released from the things that take us out and down.
A time to cede, a time of peace, and more than enough time to accept where we are, who we are, and be good with it.
Not to give up, but give in. Not to quit, but to pause and dissolve the mental hopscotch that messes us up — thinking, forever thinking…
Remember, there are some situations that just need you to be still.
And when we reach inside, gently manipulate the little uglies that prance around our head like giggling imps in our garden, and signal to these thoughts that they are no longer needed or necessary.
We can rise into the sublime, fold into reverence, and drink up the lull in our day.
When we melt, we are fluid, as the tears roll, shed and shine. A much needed ejection will pour liquid diamonds. The skin will moisten, our presence will soften, and the outlook will be viable and supple. The gems are rare, the wisdom is fierce, and the knowledge is there for the taking.
All the trite becomes evanescent; all the damage begins to repair — into a place of healing, love and sweet surrender.
I promise, we flow when we melt.
Debbie Lynn realized at a very young age that the outer reality was a far cry from her inner truth, and meeting her inner wisdom head on always turned into a challenge. The wonderment, curiosity and hypocrisy of life led to exploration and a cumulative documentation (art and journaling) of what she lovingly calls ‘the purge’. It is her way of ridding any negative energy from the daily grind. She says, “In essence, it is a way to start fresh and cleanse the soul.” Debbie has had numerous articles published in Elephant Journal, The Edge Magazine and Simple Steps Real Life Magazine. Her daily posts can be found on Facebook.