How To Love A Sagittarius.

We can’t be tamed. That’s the first thing that you need to know. The tighter you hold on to us, the harder we fight, we resist, we cease to let you in.
We are like wild things in that way… to control us is to break our spirit… it is to extinguish that fire inside of us… that fire that you fell in love with. Approach us with caution and respect; eventually we will eat the sugar out of your hands.
We are natural optimists; we recognize that life is one epic adventure and we believe in the beauty of miracles; we believe that magic is hidden in the mundane, and that there is always something new waiting for us to discover it. To love us, you must love our wide-eyed wonder. You must love the way that we chase the sun across a valley. You must love the way that we charge up mountains and wade naked into freezing streams.
When it is challenging, when it is dark, when we are unbridled, you must join us there. You must traverse our depths, we are prone to drifting into the shadows after our light has burned us into exhaustion.
We are intense in everything that we do, this includes brooding. We will scare you and you will not understand where we’ve disappeared to, what deep chasm within ourselves we’ve slipped into to find solitude and room to expand; where we find the silence to think. Love us there, in that dark place where we often lose the ability to love ourselves. Love us in that place.
Sometimes our eyes wander. We are incredible flirts, we are passionate, we are sexual. We crave the hunt, but if you love us in a way that challenges us, in a way that surprises us a little every day, then you will never lose us… for we are loyal; we are loyal to the ones who can run with us, and we are loyal to the ones who are not jealous, the ones who do not give us ultimatums or speak to us as if we are betrayers.
We cannot suffer ourselves a betrayal, our brutal honesty would never allow it.
Our bluntness can cut like a knife. The way we harness our feelings and bury them deep into our muscles where they will not show themselves, the way we kick humor over volatile situations, the way that we are loath to show vulnerability and will often disguise pain as rage…you must forgive us and you must pry.
You must knead our backs until we release ourselves to you, you must help us process the poison of hurt, and you must show us that while we are weak you are there to be strong… that behind closed doors we can come undone and release our spines of steel and allow you to support our bones for awhile. Be our spines when our backs give way beneath the weight of the world, and we will be your heart.
Brieanna Lewis is a self-proclaimed poet, tarot goddess, witchy woman, and small dog enthusiast. Hailing from a rural town in upstate New York, she spends her days writing, mastering social media, working at a local newspaper and raising two fur babies. Brieanna has embarked upon a journey to find her inner wild woman as well as to live her poetic truth.