I Am A Woman. {poetry}

I am a woman
Here and now, born to Earth at a long journey’s end
A woman
Who clung to the womb for days, more than a little afraid, I think, of what Life would bring
Sprouting from toddlerhood a knobby-kneed wisp of a thing with stringy blonde hair and curious eyes for feasting on everything at once
A woman
Who believed that to cry and need were fragility’s realm and held back enough tears to fill three oceans of sad
I am a woman
Who bounded after dad at the hardware store and helped him build and fix things (he could fix everything!)
Who tossed her dolls out of bed, thought Barbies were mysterious objects, and didn’t get the world of playing house
A woman
Who started seeing herself as a being apart, first from her own body, and then from her slow emergence into womanhood
Who stood back and watched other girls claim their femininity with prowess
I am a woman
So comfortable as the observing one, though I have also tried to tend to others with a delicate touch I sometimes forget to reserve for myself
A woman
In the arms of the world, at home in the sun and sands of other’s places, wistful when I see the she-gatherings in my midst, the laughter and joining of hearts and bones and golden space between
And I have vowed to join them when I can, because I know I’ve been there before and will be there again
I am a woman
Despite the wind energies flowing through me, threatening to carry me away from the trees, earth and waters I inherited as my birthright
A woman
Who has found the moon, and knows I was formed by her secrets
How I am woven into the silken, cosmic dance, how I am not just the soft breeze but the sensuous forms moving through them,
How I arise from the ancestral sisterhood that holds a wondrous space for our becoming
I am a woman
As all women with me and before me, in my ecstatic leap from the binaries that have constrained us ever since humankind recognized what power engenders
I am a woman
Dreaming of oneness from where the many stories of what I am supposed to be make a foundation from which I rise
So I rise, embracing the curves, the gentle slope of my back that has supported me so many miles; let my hair down, bare my chest to the sky, throw my arms back to let me be filled; tune into the gentle and sometimes ferocious rhythms of Nature’s invocations
A woman
Whose scream unleashes our shared history madly into space, reaching crescendo, knowing the wild pain of relentless suffering, torture, belittlement, mutilation, of our voices severed through Time
I lift my head from its broken place and awaken to songs near and far that traverse divides to a shared vision of hope and action
I am a goddess
I have scarcely allowed myself to whisper the word, but here it is and I must listen
Divine originated, Earth-enchanted, I will free myself from the bottommost cells to the outermost extensions of this body I have been given
The legacy it lives
I will tread the ground barefoot and untamed; I will hold hands with the intuitions bestowed on me when it all began, and
I will talk with the magic ones
Listen to the world’s giant heartbeat
I will love with every possible grace.
Tammy T. Stone is a writer from Canada and is currently based in Japan. Her words and images have been widely published and she is ever-traveling, ever-learning. You can follow her ramblings on her blog.
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