If You Believe You Can Fly, then You Can, Pan! Tink Happy Thoughts!

One of my favorite movies of all time is Hook. It’s the story about a man — played by the late, great Robin Williams — who has grown up into an adult named Jack, forgetting he is actually Peter Pan. As a child growing up, my father would pretend he was Peter Pan. Every time my mother would hand me the phone, I would ask — in my unbelievably adorable mini-me voice, “Who is this?” The answer back would always be, “It’s Peter Pan!” So you can only imagine what a teary mess I become when the time comes in the movie where Jack’s children realize Peter Pan is their dad!
During my dreaded cardio session one morning, I had one of my famous elliptical epiphanies: we are all Peter Pan (no disrespect, dad, love you)! Once upon a time, there was a child, who believed in a dream. As that child grew older, life developed, experiences happened, and new belief systems formed. We went from believing we could fly, to stressing over how we can afford the plane ticket. As children, we had unwavering faith. To this day, I am still convinced my dad is Peter Pan, no matter what anyone else tells me.
In the movie, Robin Williams’s character Jack forgets he is Peter Pan. He was too busy growing up! He had a family, responsibility, children and bills to pay. His nemesis kidnaps his children, forcing Jack to go back to Neverland. It is there that he begins to realize (with the help of Tink, of course) who he really is. Oftentimes some tragic incident, heartbreak, loss etc., causes us to step back, re-evaluate our lives, and ask ourselves: Am I being true to who I really am? At what point did I give up my dream? At what point did I stop believing?
In the movie, Jack struggles with his identity because he doesn’t believe. His logic about what should be has overshadowed the once innocent mind that believed Everything is possible. Does that remind you of anyone? For me, it has taken several recent events to realize that I let go of a dream that burned so deeply in my soul, it could set the world on fire! I lost my way, thinking I wasn’t strong enough, or smart enough, or good enough to realize my dream, even though my inner guru (I call her Swami Jenn) kept telling me that wasn’t true. I didn’t believe, I lost faith, I could no longer fly.
I’m not sure when that moment came where I decided to choose unwavering faith over fear, but it did, and I have been on fire since. I equate it to the moment one of the Lost Boys looks at Peter and says, “Oh, there you are, Peter!” No matter how differently I did my hair, the changes in the lines around my eyes, or the different outfits I wore, etc., when I looked in the mirror, I saw the girl with the dream: “There you are!”
Like Peter, we need our one Happy Thought! Peter couldn’t fly without his, and neither can you. But once that thought is found, and that belief sets in, your feet will never touch the ground the same way again. Always believe in who you are! Never give up your dream! It is never to late to start living the life you love and the life you deserve, you just have to believe!
The Law of Attraction states that our thoughts create our outcome. Like attracts like. Per Wikipedia: “This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from ‘pure energy’, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy.”
So that being said…
… What is your happy thought? What causes your soul to be on fire? What makes every hair on your arms to stand up?
All you have to do is believe!
Jennifer L. Mezzio is a certified Yoga instructor, energy healer and life coach. In addition, she is a certified nutritionist and bodybuilder. Jennifer believes in the mind-body-spirit connection, and makes it her life’s passion to motivate and inspire others. She is currently in the process of starting a 501(c)(3), which will help raise self-esteem and self-confidence in victims of bullying. Jennifer lives by the mantra “There is no greater gift in life than giving back.” You could contact her via Balanced Wellness and Nutrition.
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