A Cosmic Shift: Eclipses and Game-Changers.

“Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky.” ~ Hafiz
Mars is no longer retrograde, Saturn is no longer retrograde, and we are now entering eclipse season — a time of great cosmic shifts. We usually get two sets of eclipses every year during the Spring and Fall months, and they come in pairs — a lunar eclipse, and a solar eclipse.
These astro phenomena are like bookends to new chapters, telling stories that twist and turn and culminate, courtesy of a lunar eclipse, while ushering in new beginnings that come courtesy of a solar eclipse. A buzz of excitement, anticipation, and anxiety, all at once, builds for what’s ahead. The next few weeks will be no different, but with much more fanfare, as we observe three eclipses (instead of just two) over the course of an entire month.
Wikipedia uses the word syzygy /ˈsizijē/to describe an eclipse: a conjunction or opposition; a pair of connected or corresponding things. What happens each eclipse season usually correlates to eclipses prior, as events come full circle. Ancient legends depict eclipses as harbingers of significant change, bad omens, or great awakenings. In Astrology, eclipses are like wild card events sent from the Universe to nudge us in certain directions.
No matter what you believe, there is bound to be a theme, a trend, or a message that requires your undivided attention. The last set of eclipses this year occurred on March 8th and March 23rd; think back to what was happening in your life at that time, because it will most likely resurface for the sake of completion as we near the end of summer.
The first eclipse will be a lunar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius on August 18th. Some experts argue that this is more like a Full Moon, especially since the eclipse will not be visible to the naked eye. But there are astronomical undertones that make this feel like an eclipse nonetheless, and so it would be best to view it as such.
Aquarius is symbolized by a man pouring water out of jugs of knowledge into a stream of ether, which represents social consciousness, i.e., the collective conscious of us humans here on Planet Earth. Aquarius jolts us with rebellion and electricity — the spark of innovation and revolution for the flourishing of community.
Collectively, this lunar eclipse may trigger more political storms, where something (or someone) is revealed that threatens to shock us, or is eclipsed entirely from the scene.
On a personal level, we might experience this as an important climax in our own individual stories — a climax that leads to the severing of ties from a longstanding group or association, whether you are leaving a company (possible for Taurus and Taurus Rising), or ending a relationship (possible for Leo and Leo Rising).
Ultimately, these endings will be followed by new chapter beginnings that come barreling in with a second eclipse in just two weeks time.
A solar eclipse takes place on September 1st in the sign of Virgo. This sign, symbolized by the Virgin, is concerned with purification, which explains why Virgos are known to be detail-oriented perfectionists. These people see a need that most of us miss, and are diligent when it comes to fixing problems. Whatever goes down during the lunar eclipse will be corrected and brought to order, thanks to Virgo energy.
Eruptions on the world stage will eventually be remedied, while personal shortcomings can be resolved. Some of you might experience a breakthrough; Scorpios could finally work through emotional turmoil with friends or in important networks, and a shift in perspective for Gemini could bring healthier relations on the home and family front.
The final eclipse will be another lunar eclipse on September 16th in the sign of Pisces. With the moon involved, this could be a rather emotional occasion. Pisces is concerned with all things spirit, from higher powers, to transcendentalism. If a lunar eclipse in Aquarius forces us to reject what no longer serves our society (or individual consciousness), a Solar Eclipse in Virgo inspires us to pick up the pieces and start again.
Pisces insists that we be more intentful with our efforts, recalling our soul’s mission and purpose, while showing ourselves (and each other) compassion. Racial tension in this country will continue to peak (that’s Aquarian energy at work). As a result, policy platforms like the one introduced by the Movement for Black Lives will seek to outline specific ways to bring about change (specific is a very Virgo word).
As we debate race and new social platforms, we must be aligned with our overall intentions. This is where Piscean energy comes into play: our aim is to evolve in a collective spirit. Self-love and brotherly love are our end goals.
As this energy brews and intensifies, keep in mind that the effects of an eclipse can unfold for up to 3-6 months. Unless you are an Aquarius, Virgo or Pisces, don’t expect events to play out right on the dates listed above. Do, however, pay attention to what occurs around and in between each eclipse. What develops will serve as information to help you navigate the months ahead, leading up to the next set of eclipses in February 2017.
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