Primal Resurrection: The Upside of Mercury Retrograde. {Cosmic Connection}

We’d love to harness the energy of tomorrow’s New Moon, and introduce our in-house astrologer, Jillian Kristina! In Cosmic Connection, she will share her astrological and energetic insights with each passing moon phase in the hopes of bringing more celestial awareness, alignment, and awe to our collective consciousness, honoring how these very real and very intense energies affect us on our deepest soul-level.
It’s true, Mercury stationed Retrograde yesterday, August 30th. It’s true, everyone’s losing their mind and freaking out over all the hell that can potentially break loose over the next month.
Alright, take a breath. It’s also true that we need to double check our plans, the details, the fine print, especially since this Retrograde is in Virgo. However, this time is also ripe for tapping old resources. Revisiting old projects, or reconnecting with old friends or associates who may hold the keys to answers or opportunities that are just now ready to be revealed.
One point of Mercury Retrograde is definitely to slow down, reevaluate and redo, but another beautiful bonus it can deliver is that of receiving — allowing things to come to you without pushing so hard. Taking a step back allows us to take stock, which also allows us to pursue avenues that may have been shadowed in the sidelines, waiting for the right time to come forward.
That time can be now. Personally, over the last few days leading up to the exact Retrograde point, I very easily came upon a new opportunity that came together seamlessly… almost synchronistically. Not long after, I was contacted by an old friend for another completely aligned, completely out-of-the-deep-blue opportunity, meaning my workload just doubled in the best way possible!
There are other planetary movements at play here, including a solar eclipse during tomorrow’s New Moon! This heralds a time when certain things — ways of life, blockages, obstacles, debris — may be eclipsed from our lives, enabling us to focus on and dedicate ourselves to what’s been calling to us from the ethers — the pure essence that we are and full potential of what we can be.
During this time, a lot of us are going to be called upon to step up in new ways — ways that we’re absolutely equipped for, but haven’t pushed ourselves towards yet (oh, hello, Virgo).
So sure, proceed with caution, but also, proceed with action. With ambition. With self-belief and courage. With all the work we’ve done until this point, even if we weren’t sure where all that work was leading us. The seeds we’re planting during this New Moon phase carry with them our past potentials that are coming to the forefront for resuscitation.
That’s the gift of this Mercury Retrograde/New Moon/Solar Eclipse trifecta: a primal resurrection of our dreams, desires, and ultimately, our soul-forged and oh-so-necessary collective destinies.
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