Hunter’s Full Moon: Building the Bonfires of Reclamation. {Cosmic Connection}

It is a time for clearing. A time for releasing. A time for purging your purgatorial ties to anything that no longer mirrors your truest, deepest, most desperate dreams and desires.
Welcome this year’s Hunter’s Full Moon.
On October 15th/16th, depending on your location, this supermoon will illuminate the sky from just after sunset to sunrise, giving us a night that beckons our convoluted conflicts to sacrifice themselves for the good of our personal winter’s bounty. Whatever we’ve been battling these last few months, and especially these last few weeks, will serve as our most important teachers…
… and more importantly, our most savagely destructive blockages.
The climate is hostile. The media is deplorable. Our energy sources are being sucked dry, our wells left starving. How do we replenish when we’re using all of our strength just to stay afloat? This is the test of this Aries Full Moon: to embody the archer. To get clear on exactly what’s working and what isn’t, and hone your aim. To keep going and gathering, even when you feel like you’ve got nothing left to offer.
Especially when you feel like you’ve got nothing left, because that’s the brink at which the old self breaks apart wide enough to allow the true self — the higher self — to step through.
So, build your bonfires.
Illuminate the darkest recesses of your heart.
Push through your most putrid, decaying fears, and recognize them for what they are…
The small you.
The frightened you.
The guarded you,
Still wielding a rotted shield.
Still dragging a rusted sword.
Retire these weapons. Lay these obsolete tools at the altar of your soul’s door. Stoke the raging inferno with what it desires most: your stagnation, your lies, your excuses, your denials. Your weakness in the face of all that is calling for you to stop hiding from your power and start wielding it like those weapons you’ve just laid to rest; it is in the laying of these tired bones that your true vitality will rise.
It is with this resurrected spring that your well will be replenished. It is with this timely death that your spirit, your spark, your joy and your heart will be reborn.
It is with this ritual, honoring the gathering of our hard-won harvest and seasonal death, that we begin the journey of higher consciousness reclamation. The journey that demands all and strips all.
The journey that takes, but in the taking, rewards us with the flaming torch we need to navigate through our own underworlds in search of our buried warriors, awaiting our weathered and willing hands to lead them home once again.
The land is calling. Under the Hunter’s Full Moon, we will retrieve our crops. We will feel them pulsing with the strength and sustenance garnered from a year unlike any before, and we will allow them to fill us with the necessary fortitude to weather 2016’s final push. Our final tests, in which the warriors we’ve unearthed will now act as our guides though the oncoming darkness.
By the light of this most potent supermoon, Blessed Be.
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Piercing the Veil: Scorpio's Samhain Descent. {Cosmic Connection} | Rebelle Society
October 26, 2016 at 7:00 am[…] energy of the Hunter’s Full Moon really kickstarted this process by doing two things: bringing massive closure to old, toxic […]