This Is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. {Cosmic Connection}

We don’t understand how it’s come to this point. We look around and don’t even recognize the faces of those once familiar to us. The voices have changed tone.
The energy is toxic. People are screaming on ears deafened by too much; there’s too much hate. Too much blaming. Not enough listening. Not enough understanding.
I’m writing this on Election Day, during the hours before the fate of the next four years will be decided. The tension is unlike any we’ve experienced before; the divisions deeper; the cuts, more fatal than we realize. But this fatality signals our death — our divine death. Our necessary death. A disintegration born from the greatest reveal of our darkest shadows. Our most deplorable truths. Our most damaging secrets.
Last month’s Scorpio New Moon helped usher us into this final plunge. She dragged us most unwillingly into the gnarliest mud of our personal and collective psyches to rip it out and expose the filth for what it is — weakness. A weakness born from complacency and desperation. A weakness fed by fear. Our fears, left buried, ignored, and festering beneath our most rotted human and planetary crust.
Good. We needed this. We needed all of this to see. Really see. See and redirect. Reconfigure. Not only rethink, but unlearn. Rewire and rewrite this torrid history into a future that fosters resolution, progress, healing, and a more sustainable and effective course of action. One that demands all from all of us.
One that requires our feet to be firmly planted and our heads so far in the clouds that things actually start to make sense, because this is how new — and necessary — perspectives are rooted. This is how change is implemented.
The old systems aren’t working, and regardless of who took power last night — more pointedly, especially because of whoever took power last night — we need to remember and reclaim our power and truth and personal strengths to make change on our own terms. The time has come for us to get practical in regards to our lives. The time for relying on the powers that be to support us is over.
This is the definition of the Age of Aquarius. Mars entered Aquarius yesterday. Mars is a warrior. Mars is power and momentum. Mars gets shit done. Aquarius is the innovator, the inventor, the humanitarian, the original rebel. Together, they’ve got the power to alchemize whatever results we’re facing this morning into something we can work with, regardless of whether we can see a clear path forward yet.
It will emerge, and in perfect timing.
Next week, the Full Moon in Taurus on the 14th will help stabilize us. It’ll help not only pull some pieces together, but create them. Like Aquarius, Taurus is one of the four fixed signs of the zodiac (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio). These signs are committed to their cause. They’re stubborn in their fight. They’re in it for the long haul, and they’re in it to win it.
These are the exact forces that are working together to see us through this venerable ground zero situation. They’re here to guide us through the last circle of hell, and we can be damn sure they’ll be there to meet us on the other side.
That fact is so important to remember: there is another side, and we will be supported. But we’ve got to support each other. We’ve got to love each other. We’ve got to learn to see the connections through the differences. We’ve got to learn to exist together, and that means burying our fears, our prejudices, our hatreds and our illusions, together.
All the best to you, fellow humans. Remember that: Fellow Humans. That’s what we are. That’s why we’re here. And that’s exactly why we’re fighting the greatest fight there is to wage — the fight for our physical, spiritual, and universal salvation. The fight to preserve — and resurrect — our true essence. Our humanity. Our planet. Our world. There truly is no greater, more worthy, more essential cause than that.
So, again, no matter what happened last night, we’re here, still standing. Let’s keep standing. Stronger. Together.
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