An Open Letter to the Weird Kid.

Dear Weird Kid,
I see you. You think I don’t, and that no one else does either. Today, you wear black to blend in, but have dyed your hair fluorescent pink. Each day, you tread on a line of floss, a delicate balance between the desire to be seen for who you are, from the desire to hide.
We spent 10 years together while you walked the hall and got books from your locker; and I took attendance and submitted your grades. You see the kids in their Varsity jackets and Jordans or the ones with perfect make up and skin. I see you.
The longing is most apparent in your eyes. You want us to see you for you, and quietly tell you we notice. Yet, each day you trudge uphill again, not knowing if you will ever reach the summit. You aren’t sure if we will see you. In doing so, you seek a delicate balance between taming your hair enough to not be ridiculed, but leave it crazy enough to look cool.
Your physical form is how you represent yourself because it’s all you have. No one stops to listen or truly hears what you have to say, not the people you wish would anyway.
Know that you are seen and you are heard, more than you realize. And you are here for a reason. You serve a purpose greater than you can know or even realize at this point.
Our world is moving in a new direction. Into territory that is just off the edge of the map, albeit a map where no one has drawn the line of demarcation. Unknowingly, you are leading us there.
We are moving into the Age of Aquarius. The New Earth. This age is a time and place where we are going to be called on to be the highest individual versions of ourselves that we can possibly create in this reality. You are at the forefront of this rapid change.
How do I know? You wear it everyday. The way you dress, carry yourself and speak, calls for you to considered something different than the masses. You don’t fit into the box of geek, jock, popular, pretty, straight, emo, gamer, partier. You fit into them all. Throughout a day, you may represent each box that society believe you should fit into, but you truly don’t.
Aquarius is the sign of individuality, and you exemplify what it means, each day.
You are teaching us all that we can be our individual selves. We are learning to march to the beat of our own drum. You demand we see you for yourself and to honor your individual choice, thereby embracing our own. You are the new reality, but the world has yet to realize it.
Don’t stop what you are doing. Don’t start conforming. Continue to be true to you. Be weird and misunderstood. We’ll come around, eventually. As you are yourself, you empower others to step into their own skin. You show them how.
Your parents will realize that you came here for a purpose larger than yourself. They’ll see, in time, that you came here to create our new reality. You don’t confine yourself to a sexuality or gender. This freaks them out. How can it not?
The power struggle between men and women is at the forefront. We have spent eons with the men leading the women and subjugating them. You don’t buy into this illusion, and have created your own genders and refused to buy into the ones that exist. As you do so, you welcome forth the New Earth.
You are androgynous. You vacillate between gender identity from one day to the next as you feel the power shift between the masculine and feminine, wobbling one way and then another. Some of you stand strong in the middle because it is too exhausting to keep choosing.
Keep shifting. Keep finding yourself. Allow your splendor to shine. Help others find their light and their spark.
You have the benefit of social networking. You connect to others in an instant over apps that I don’t even understand how to use or why you’d use them. Usually, I don’t even understand why they were made. But, they were made for you. They were made for you to express your individuality and to usher in the new.
When you think you are flying below the radar, when you feel small and scared, know that I see you. I honor you and your journey. I value all you have come to teach me and us. When it feels too much, know that you are not alone. I see you.
And, I appreciate you exactly as you are.
Sara Hocking is a keeper of secrets, believer in magick, and Spiritual Alchemist. Her work is a catalyst for others to align with their soul’s purpose and to delve into personal transformation. She strives to help her clients transcend their limitations and co-conspire with the Universe to create awesome lives. Sara loves to work with the ‘weird’ kids and help their parents understand and support their unique needs. To connect with Sara, you can find her at her website, Facebook page, or join her Facebook group, The Alchemist’s Lounge.
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The Hit List - I didn’t see it coming - The Tarot Lady
April 1, 2017 at 1:53 pm[…] Wish I had this letter to read when I was a kid: An open letter to the weird kid. […]