Brokenhearted Girl, the Whole World Is Waiting. {poetry}

Sometimes, love doesn’t go our way.
Sometimes, the person we thought was our forever was only for now, and we are left with reaching hands and eyes blurry from tears and confusion. The road we thought we had paved so nicely becomes rocks and rubble falling around our feet. The love we thought we knew so deeply becomes questions without answers and empty hands longing for a piece of comfort to hold.
Our feet are stuck in quicksand as we look around to see the rest of the world spinning on. In this moment, we wonder, both wholeheartedly and brokenheartedly, if we will ever learn to spin along with the world again.
Maybe, right now, you are here. With eyes looking backward because you are too fearful of what’s to come. With a heart being pulled by gravity toward all of the places that hurt.
Maybe you woke up today begging the Universe for some sort of sign that it’s going to be okay.
Let this be your sign.
And when you see the whole world waiting, only then will you understand.
Brokenhearted girl,
I wish you could see how much is healing.
I know
right now,
it feels like a lot of hurt,
but there is so much cleansing
in the bleeding.
You sit on a bed that
doesn’t feel like your own,
the sheets don’t smell like his cologne,
and it would feel so much better just to go back to
how it used to be.
You are learning the
hardest lesson
your heart has endured,\
you never needed him to survive.
And what once felt like a life you were painting together
has suddenly left you with
messy hands
and unfinished chapters.
Go, sweet girl,
make the universe your canvas,
paint your own
Two tangled hearts,
with one delicate tug untangled
and everything you thought you knew
became a pile of string at your feet.
Pick it up
and spin it into something beautiful,
don’t let your hands forget
how much
they love
to create.
Brokenhearted girl,
what feels like the end is only the start of
something even better.
Unclench your fists,
Open your hands,
and watch everything that feels like it’s falling apart
put you back together.
Open your eyes
to the blessings you never could have planned
and when you see
the entire world waiting,
only then
will you
finally understand.
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