Every Woman You Have Ever Been. {poetry}

I have a healthy and almost daily habit of journaling.
It is my first place to go for comfort and release, where I use words to express myself, to offload and discover hidden aspects of my internal world.
I started journaling as a part of a self-care plan I put together, but it has turned into the most integral aspect of my spiritual expression. I also include meditation and Yoga, but words scattered across a page bring me more solace, joy and release.
Over the past couple of years, I have gone from just pouring out my congested head space to actually asking questions. This is where I have found the magical experience of receiving answers — connecting with higher self, or soul if you’d so prefer.
There is obviously much to be gained from connecting within. It will include feeling or sensing our own authentic truth in any matter, seeking guidance, accessing answers to troubling situations, and learning a thing a two about ourselves.
In between expelling all the mental clutter onto a page, I also illustrate, write poetry, write articles, and plan future adventures. It all flows in its own random way. The Number One benefit of this writing is that I am creating new space in my mind and heart for solutions to bubble up later, and for new creative endeavors to have the chance to grab my attention.
The most surprising aspect of my relationship with soul is finding out she’s a feisty presence in my internal landscape. She loves giving me an ass-kickin’ when I need one, and although at first it was quite confronting, I now appreciate the hell out of them. I go looking for them when I know I’m not doing my best with a difficult situation.
Of late, all this feistiness has been wanting to turn itself into poetry and lyrics. I would absolutely recommend you give yourself over to a blank piece of paper and see what flows out. It doesn’t have to be poetry, it doesn’t have to be shared, it doesn’t have to make sense. But sticking with a regular journaling ritual does in time create a beautiful safe space to process life’s experiences.
The following poem is the result of taking my soul-talks and shaping them into prose. There is something about turning overwhelming experiences into a short, sharp burst of emotion. It goes straight to the heart of things, helps release, and makes me smile.
Darling, you are beautiful
intelligent, caring
and true
fuck all who
say otherwise
they are the fools
they do not know
or refuse to see
that this pain
and agony
will set you free
dark nights
long days
you did the work
of angels
every woman
you have ever been
knows your battle
is no fable
no more suppressing
or doubting
or hiding in safe places
stand under the stars
they send their light
and their graces
you are warrior
and goddess
you are lover
and fighter
waste not another hour
when your sacred path
is here and much brighter.
Rachel Fry is a writer, mother and creator, who is currently embarking on a new career of writing both non-fiction and children’s picture books. Rachel is passionate about sharing stories, writing, travel, fitness, wellness, children’s education, cultural diversity, art, sustainability, music and contributing in any way she can to add more love and beauty into our world. You could contact her via her website or Instagram.
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Every Woman You Have Ever Been – Rachel Fry ~ Writer
October 12, 2017 at 7:26 pm[…] is my latest article Every Woman you have Ever Been for Rebelle […]