Love as a Radical Act.

I want to write, speak, breathe, and embody love as a radical force. To embrace that love is simply and profoundly the most transformative energy. That love in its purest state is what makes alchemy possible. It is a catalyst for all life.
When I speak of love, I do not mean the flavor of love that is rainbows, peace, and happiness. No, I have experienced far too much pain and heartbreak(ing open). I value too deeply the depths of emotions to say that love is simply light.
For me, love in its greatest forms has been found in the dark nights of my soul. It is what emerged when I stood in front of my shadow, the embodiment of my deepest pain, that literally threatened to kill me or lead me to madness. I discovered in these moments that love in action is compassion and grace.
Love is what kept me alive and continues to keep me alive. To deprive ourselves of love is to starve our very human souls. To keep ourselves away from love is to cut ourselves off from the most vital nutrient that all humans need.
Love is truly what drives us to do impossible things.
I think, as a society, we are in and acting out so much pain because we have limited love far too much. We’ve sequestered love to only intimate relationships, and too often even these are devoid of true love.
We hold love as outside of ourselves. We label dopamine hits and serotonin highs as love. But in truth, love is omnipresent. It is in all things, all beings, even those who do not demonstrate it.
Love is also a choice, one we can live into moment by moment. Breath by breath, it can be what we choose. And to choose love as the guiding force in our lives is simultaneously an act of radical rebellion and a return to our true nature.
In our current world, I see nothing more radical than to embody, advocate, and to root all our action in love. Love is the greatest equalizer, drawing us into connection and relationship with all beings. And the profound ability to say “I see you in me,” taking a stance that wholly embraces the value of all beings’ lives and rights to wellness, freedom, equality, dignity, respect, and of course, love.
To embrace love fully in this way means to live into deep responsibility. It would require us to truly feel the impact of our actions, to humbly own when we have acted in any ways that are not love. And we would be asked to continually devote ourselves to dissolving our blocks to love time and time again.
There is so much more I can say about love at the heart of activism, healing, coaching, shamanism, etc. but for now I will leave you with this:
Love is not without boundaries.
Love is not without direct action.
Love does not erase pain, but allows us to embrace it fully.
Love makes it possible to endure all things.
Love is what all beings deserve.
Love is what you are.
Imagine a world where we believed that.
Caity Flanagan has been in deep communication with the plant & spirit world since a young age. Her passion and connection to nature has lead her down the path of becoming an herbal practitioner, plant spirit healer, and modern day medicine woman. She speaks sutras of the heart and is in total devotion to the divine feminine, using the modalities of reiki, tantric meditation, and coaching to connect people to their own hearts and divinity. Caity is the creator of Love & Alchemy and the founder of The Wild Calling, a 9 month initiation into the sacred feminine. At the core of all she does is a profound reverence for finding the sacred in the ordinary, the power of desire, and the extraordinary alchemy of the world around us. You can find out more about Caity and her work at her personal website, Love & Alchemy, and The Wild Calling.
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