Heed the Call of Your Soul, the Call of Your Wild.

You are going through life just fine. Everything is exactly as planned and right on time… or at least good enough.
Then suddenly, it’s not good enough, nothing is good enough, nothing is satisfactory, or adequate, or will do at all. You realize something is missing.
You realize that everything may have always been good enough, but it’s not magical, it doesn’t set your heart on fire, it doesn’t awaken the raw, animalistic beast you know is inside just waiting to get out, to evolve, to integrate with the tame, even cultured human you have become. And suddenly, everything less is just not good enough! Oh, yes… something is missing. But what? You can’t put your finger on it.
You don’t even know how you got here. You look around. There are fresh flowers on your well-set dining room table. Perfectly hung art on freshly painted walls. Shit, you can even smell the chicken casserole baking in the oven. That comfortable, home-fresh smell of dinner almost done while the kids play in their rooms and your husband will soon be home from work. You feel the vomit in your throat and start to gag.
The room spins, everything is getting dark, the fresh-cut flowers are seen only at the end of a tunnel. You feel faint.
This picture-perfect house took years to build. You dreamed of this since you were a child. Dreamed of being an adult, owning your life, adorning it just the way you wish and filling it with the things you find most valuable. A lucrative career that can feed your ego, a loving family that can feed your heart, and possessions to give you a sense of power and mastery.
Yes, here you are surrounded by your creation, but you are no longer the magician smiling that snarky grin as your spell has come to life. No, you are standing in your dining room gasping for air because of the gaping hole forming inside of you. “What is it?” you wonder, frantically.
And you wonder this daily now. You wake every morning feeling empty. And feeling guilty for feeling empty. After all, you have everything, or at least, you have a lot. You know you are blessed. The guilt overburdens you, crushes you like the weight of your house, your family, your career. All your creations stand on top of you, crushing you.
No, you are no longer in the middle of your reality, you are at the bottom, frantically trying to dig your way out. And your shovel… it’s that gnawing feeling that something is missing. It has a fine point now, good for digging, but it still has not taken the shape you need to make any progress. You remain buried and blind. And then you hear it.
You are not sure what it is. But you hear it as it is calling to you. “What is it?” you wonder again, growing deeper in despair.
Despair not, for that is the call of your soul, the call of your wild, the call of your true essence. It is begging you to awaken, to listen, and to follow. It often comes in scary and dramatic ways, but once it starts, it will not stop until you have answered. If you answer no, be certain, the call will eventually go away, and you are free to live your previous, less than vibrant, existence.
But you will probably not answer no, for you yourself have, in some way, beckoned the call. You have awakened your soul because it is time. You are in a place where you want, you need, to follow this path. Your path. When you heed the call, you transform to live the life you were destined as the person you are at your core: fully aligned with your soul, following the contract you entered this life to fulfill.
So now is the time. Open all of your senses and travel the path where your destiny awaits.

Dr. Anne-Marie Conn is a holistic health coach and wellness researcher. She provides individual and group coaching to help you connect with the wisdom of your heart and transform your life. You could contact her via her website or Facebook.