Feel Everything: Day-After-Birthday Letter to Me and You.

I’m 35.
Standing on the edge of this field
Rain dropping on my tangled hair
Feet submerged as I gaze over this water
At a cloudy hopeful sky
And I know:
That as much as you try
As much as that voice tries to tell you you’re behind
You cannot compare your life, your path
To anyone else’s story.
You are meant to be where you are right now.
And now.
Your journey has unfolded
At exactly the pace it’s meant to.
Everything you’ve experienced
Has led you to this moment.
This journey of beautiful, terrifying growth
Of the highest peaks
And the deepest caverns
It will continue to wander freely
This way and that
Up and over
Down and under
For the rest of your time here on this earth
However long that may be.
Stop striving, stop grasping.
Stop trying to be more than you are.
You are already enough
Because you Are what you Are.
You aren’t meant to rush this.
You aren’t meant to compare.
There’s no race to the finish line.
There’s no prize at the end.
You’re here to f e e l it all as you go.
Every inch of polarity
Each morsel of paradox.
Stop judging yourself for a human experience
That is full of contradiction
Of pleasure and pain.
Free your soul
Grant it permission
To be here, to feel everything
Navigate with your heart as compass
Intuition as guide
Soul as travel partner
This journey will seem long
And be gone in the blink of an eye
Aching for respite
Begging for more
The road will feel treacherous
And the breeze will carry you with ease
A thicket of gnawing thorns
A feather in the wind
You will walk in the sun
And you will stand in the rain
You will frolic in the light
And dance in the shadows
You’ll feel connected in community
And you’ll experience isolation
Solitude will bring peace and contentment
And loneliness will claw at your heart
You’ll revel in the deepest love
And sometimes be lost in rage or hate
Joy and gratitude will swell your heart to bursting
And grief will threaten to drown you
You’ll learn to find beauty in the mundane
And you’ll wonder, what is the point of it all
You’ll forget who you are
And then you’ll remember.
And then you’ll remember.
You will feel each opposite and extreme
to learn to find the balance
Will you condemn this human condition?
Will you run from its fullness?
Will you inflict self-imposed restrictions?
Naming “good,” naming “bad?”
Or will you embrace the teeter-totter?
This pendulum swing
Back and forth
Back and forth
Tick tock
Tick tock
Until you learn to stand
At your center point
Of this great see-saw
We call life on earth.
Jen Wyatt is a circle facilitator, yoga instructor, and retreat leader, who hosts an online womxn’s circle and membership called Temple of the Wild Wanderer. Jen holds a Master of Arts degree in Teaching, a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, is a certified yoga instructor at the 500-hour level, and is a Reiki healer. She believes that liberation of the true authentic self — in all its weirdness and wildness — is the key to lasting happiness and fulfillment. Jen guides others to come home to themselves by connecting deeply with the earth, with nature’s cycles and rhythms, and with the depths of our often buried imagination and creativity. Through movement, ritual, story medicine, and activating imagination, Jen guides you to find freedom and homecoming within your own being. May all beings be wild and free.