
A Feminine-Powered Packed Tool Kit Essentials.

This article is Part IV of  a V-part series: Support.
5 Ways Women Can Support Each Other

Women working together is an amazing foundation for the world to make some serious changes. The sky is the limit for women entrepreneurs — they can potentially grow to any scale their vision dreams. They have enormous ability to move and shake!

The best ways for women to support one another is to 1) Live interdependently within a community; 2) Take on a spirit of cooperation; 3) Be happy for one another’s successes and; 4) Assume responsibility for the greater good without waiting for anyone’s permission to do so.

One of the biggest obstacles I see women facing every day is that they don’t feel qualified to use their true voice or to take charge of their skills and talents. As women, we’ve been taught that these attributes are never enough, and largely we’ve devalued the things that come naturally to us.

It’s my mission to coach women to see their qualifications through to the other side — where they see that life has qualified them the most, hands down.

3 Tips for a Fem-Powered Tool Kit

Here are three foundational tools for the woman entrepreneur to keep in her kit — for bravery and the ability to express herself fearlessly:

  1. Learn how to face your fear of rejection.
  2. Create a plan for dealing with energy peaks and leaks that lead to collapse.
  3. Learn to tell the difference between the pain of growing and the pain of being injured, especially in the area of the fifth chakra and self-expression.
How to Know Exactly Who to Charge for Your Lifework

If you’ve got a nurturing personality where money is concerned, you are going to want to have good boundaries around charging for your services.

To determine who to charge or not, it is helpful to put all the people you serve with your life’s work into two frequently blurred categories: clients and charities.

Gaining clarity here will make you realize that until your services are properly valued with your clients, you can’t do much of anything substantial for your charities.

Also, just giving your lifework away lets you off the hook. And that unfortunately waters down your committment and makes it easy to walk away from your work…the moment your ‘stuff’ comes up.

The Archetype Short Cut to the Authentic Voice

Archetypes contain the code or voice of who we are both spiritually and emotionally. These universal energies connect us to every human being. There are many archetypes, many voices and many code combinations that express themselves while we are awake but also that express completely differently when we are aasleep.

Because we all collectively share an almost unlimited number of archetype voices, we risk feeling and acting like a many-headed dragon. By identifying which archetypes are most important to us, we obtain the aiblity to find our real voice and the ability to feel it’s power.

How to Avoid Regrets and Low Self-Worth with Archetypes

Fast forward to the end of your life…how you’re going to feel about it looking back?

Sitting in front of a teacher in the Himalayas of India in my early twenties, we were asked “What are you going to regret at the end of your life?” He made us sweat through the next minute of pin-drop silence, and then said, “…exactly what you are regretting right now.” And that’s what I saw from my death bed, that archetypes are never going to stop trying to bust through you.

The sum total of one’s archetypes is a binding contract, and the only way out is through.

Living in regret can be invisible, but the signs of it are many and boil down to a slough of reasons, excuses and justifications about why we can’t fulfill and make good on what we most deeply desire.

In that we lose the sense of ourself, because our hopes, dreams and desires have gone to the unconscious. But they don’t go away, they just go under the radar. And with them, our sense of self-worth goes on a parallel track.

Here’s the kicker…when an archetype goes unconscious, we not only lose the sense of its super-power value, but we activate the shadow expression. This means acting out, calling out for negative attention, and sometimes with desperate measures.

While I was living out my corporate days, fulfilling what society expected of me, I didn’t push the Rebelle away. Rather I unknowingly expressed through its shadow, and I became a fighter without a cause or a clue. Until shadows capture your undivided attention, which is all they want or need, they suck the life out of you.

I learned under threat of death, to embrace and value myself as a change-agent. Now I live to see that other women don’t have to let the stakes get that high.


Part I: Hey Femme-preneur, It’s Time to Heal Your Sex and Money Issues.

Part II: How to Make Money Doing Your Life’s Work — 3 Steps.

Part III: Move Toward Creative Empowerment Vs. Throwing It Away At the Feet of Swine.

Stay tuned for the rest of this 5-part journey.

Are you a rebelle-passionate creator who feels held back due to issues around sex and money?

It doesn’t have to stay that way! Find out how women entrepreneurs get past their fear of full self-expression when it comes to romantic and business relationships. And, in turn, discover joy, creativity, self-value and an empowering relationship with sex and money. In other words, learn to become the change-rocker you truly are.

Why do I work with Femme-preneurs? Because They Tell Themselves What to Do!

Everyone benefits from the gift of clarity — especially when it comes to what they are meant to create.

I love investing my time in passionate, edgy, right-brained women entrepreneurs, particularly when they have a Rebelle flair. Because femme-preneurs are called to be extra courageous with their voice and take daily risks to be seen and heard, I am attracted to their immense vulnerability, beauty and potential for having a lot of impact. No one tells them what to do, they tell themselves.

Sign up for a complimentary Make Love with Money teleclass with Beth Martens here.

– See more at: file:///Users/ahansford/Downloads/wordpress-rebelle/files/2014-07-15-a-feminine-powered-packed-tool-kit-essentials.html#sthash.kNnwpoc1.dpuf
