Supermoon and Lunar Eclipse Energy Update: Fear Is Our Teacher and Love Is Our Answer.

This is a big time for relationships, whether romantic, friendship or otherwise. A big time for old traumas and fears moving up and out.
A time for interpersonal transformation — its effects on you and your path. It is a time for some to fall in love, but for most, to fall into the fire. The fire burns. It burns, hurts, and can be extremely painful. But ultimately the fire isn’t here to destroy you, it’s here to burn away those limiting beliefs of what you know or believe to be love. To then help you rise up like the phoenix from the ashes, reborn.
Love does not involve obsession, fear, low self-esteem or angst. That is the ego, the trauma.
At its core and pureness, love is bright, joyful, freedom, and bliss.
It is comfort, connection, and unconditional partnership.
How though will you know what to look for in love without seeing what it’s not?
This is a time for reevaluating your relationships, your beliefs, and the roles they both play in your life.
What may have worked before is not working now, and the power you have in these situations is more than you know.
You have a choice. Not an easy choice, but a choice nonetheless.
A choice to see where trauma has guided you, and ask for help to free it.
Free it, and see the truth of it. Seeing the truth as it’s appearing is the first step to freeing it. To not shy away from it in order to protect your outdated belief systems, but instead, really allowing it to come show you the way.
These three cards are guiding us to embrace these times of confusion and uncertainty within our relationships, and to redirect our thinking away from trauma and towards love. Just as a practice. Not with force, but with love.
Guiding us to review our perspective that sometimes it is not about the person or situation that is in our lives, but how we react to it, and how we act within these connections. Guiding us to allow these teachers to show us what we really deserve, who we really are, and what we truly desire. To see them as teachers, release them, focus on what we do want, and ask for help in order to do so.
Ask for guidance on what is really going on and where it’s coming from.
Don’t go through this alone. There is no need. You have plenty of support. The trick is to ask for it. The Universe has got your back. It has shaken you up to awaken you, and all you have to do is move through it with love and compassion.
“Soul Mates: Harmonious partnerships, a relationship fostering growth”
You are meant to evolve and transform with the companionship of others. Certain people enter your life to take you to the next level of healing, consciousness, and authenticity. You know these people by the strong pull drawing you toward them, and sometimes by an initial strong aversion to them. Soul mates can be friends, lovers, mentors for life, or remain in your life for a short time.
No matter what, you will be changed. Pay attention to these people today, they are your greatest teachers and your greatest gifts. This is a journey you share with others. Mentors, business partners, helpers, friends, etc. This is the ultimate lesson and breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.
“Treasure Island: The law of attraction bringing dreams into fruition, the results of positive thinking”
You’ve worked hard, and have acted upon your unwavering belief in abundance. You have at the very least uncovered the map. What you must hone now is the ability to recognize when X marks the spot. Trust your intuition to light the way, so you can see these many treasures in front of you.
Let others help you see and feel this as you move forward. There’s nothing left holding you back. Redirect your thinking out of any sort of lack, back to the essence of freedom and love.
Poverty consciousness and a sense of not enough in any situation cast a shadow on your path. These ideas and core beliefs come with a very high cost. See the truths, and believe they can apply to you.
“A Leg Up: Receiving help, and interdependence”
You’ve come to a point where going it alone is no longer optimal for you. The Universe has a way of presenting the perfect people in front of you to help you on your journey. The trick is, you’ve got to see it and be willing to receive it. You’ve got to be willing to ask for help, and receive guidance when needed. Don’t let the ego convince you that asking for or receiving help makes you weak or wrong.
~ Colette Baron-Reid
Everyone needs help, and the ego will convince you otherwise. Don’t listen to this. Instead, take that leap of asking for and receiving help.
Are you able to see that this is all about your evolution? That there is nothing wrong with you? Are you able to see that what is coming up within your life and relationships is actually coming up for your ultimate healing, not for your ultimate demise? Coming up and through so that you may have the fullest life possible? The life you’ve been asking for? The life that is waiting for you?
But you must not spiritually bypass or avoid, instead allow them to flow through you, as you release them, then bring your attention back to the present and back to the image of the purest essence of you, that which is love.
Becky Hernandez (The Misfit Yogi) is an intuitive healer, freedom writer, guided meditator, yogi and life experience seeker. She believes that all is magic, and magic is all there is. She is currently trying to embrace the path of most resistance. You could contact her via her website or Instagram.
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