The Labyrinth: A Series of Art. {Part Eight: Eternal Ocean}

“Your arteries are mirrored reflections of the watersheds of this earth. The ratio of water in your body is an exact replication of the ratio of water to land on this planet (Pachamama). Our tears are the waters of the ocean, our wombs are filled with this same water. This water forms crystals when spoken to softly, How are you speaking?” ~ Goddess Alchemy Project
Next up, we free fall — in surrender — from the Bottomless Sky and take a great deep plunge into the Eternal Ocean. Did you know water is the only element that can exist in more than one state — liquid, solid, and gas? And that over time it can carve rock? Go sit and ask the Grand Canyon to tell you that tale, which in my opinion makes water the strongest of all the earthly elements: earth, fire, air, water.
Simply because of those reasons. It exists as more than it seems, but does so unassumingly, making it fierce, yet humble. Soft, yet hard.
Each of us retains within our DNA an imprint of the primeval ocean. I’m even writing and doing the research for this article right now while the rain falls down in a steady gentle curtain all across my Southern Californian town, as if it knew I was sitting here talking about it at this very moment.
The documentary Secret of Water, made in 2006, explores the idea that water is alive. That it has consciousness and it’s part of everything we do all the time. It’s more than a physical substance, it’s a concept connected, in a special way, with the idea of life.
“Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water. Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it. The soft overcomes the hard; the gentle overcomes the rigid.” ~ Lao Tzu
To delve into a bit of science, most things of substance contract when they cool, but water does the exact opposite — it expands. The solid form of water (ice) floats, when it should sink. Yet, to the contrary, it can also rise through the thick and layered trunks of trees, defying laws of gravity. How? We haven’t been able to truly understand it.
But we have thus far understood that it has memory, and interacts with the atmosphere around it. It is hypothesized that it is capable of recording and storing information. Masaru Emoto, expressed how other-worldly and not-of-this-earth water seems to be, simply because of how it behaves, not operating entirely within the classic laws of physics.
We are made of (up to 90%) water.
So, if water has memory, what are you telling your body? What are you doing to your body? Positive and negative human emotions are a powerful influence on water, and have the power to change its character. Let this sink in for a bit (no pun intended)… or rise up.
I always like to get to the basics when exploring any thing or concept. I like to know its origin. If we go to water in its natural environment, we will see that in nature, water always flows along a smooth course, never in a straight line, but in industrialization it travels through metal piping and lots of 90-degree angles. At every hard angle it encounters, it breaks down more and more.
Therefore the water coming out of your pipes is dead and broken water. It’s so far from its original nature, it’s not quite water anymore. Yes it’s H2O still, but its character is lifeless as is its structure. If we are learning to re-wild, and get back to what is inherently natural about ourselves, we need to really re-examine the way we experience, look at, and know water.
Water, after all, is life. Nothing on earth can survive without it.
Fun note: A labyrinth also moves in a non-linear fashion.
Rain. Hail. Snow. Mist. Storms and hurricanes. All of these complex weather systems depend on water’s mood. Which segues into my next topic regarding water: how it’s associated as an archetype with our mood.
If you are a Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer, you are identified as being a water sign. I myself am a Cancer, and we are known to be the moodiest signs of the zodiac. Not always true, but I can see why we are equated with that. Water changes constantly like moods do, and moods run deep, they swirl, they churn, they steam, they evoke water from our eyes — all patterns and behaviors associated with water.
Water in nature is constantly in motion. Very shallow in places, supporting multitudes of colorful lifeforms, or very dark and deep, with all manners of nightmarish-looking beasts on the bottom of the sea where not even light can reach.
Subconscious emotions can be so deep in fact, sometimes we can’t even understand the reason for why a mood can shift — and when you go deep, it gets heavy. I’ve heard some say in jest that our ocean floors are less explored than outer space simply because nobody can go down that deep and live to tell about it. The water is crushing, dangerous, suffocating.
But it’s also cleansing. Fluid. Non-linear. Rejuvenating. Revitalizing. No other element exists in so many ways like water does.
Think about when you’ve been swimming underwater in a pool, lake, ocean, or even letting your limbs float relaxingly off the side of an inflatable raft. When you are encompassed by water, you feel a soft nothingness. The feeling of constantly being supported in a timeless, quiet, space, that has no limitation on what direction you can move within it when entirely submerged.
The largest mammals on earth are ocean creatures because the water, though it can crush a human at only 100 feet deep, supports the weight of a mammal, who if it walked on land would be crushed by gravity playing against its own weight.

“Water is the force that creates and gives life. Without water, particles wouldn’t mix together or circulate. Water created the chaos on the earth and it also gave birth to order, resulting in a planet overflowing with life. Where there is water, there is life.” ~ Masaru Emoto
What the world needs now more than ever is to respect water as there is evidence suggesting now that it lives and breathes and carries information. Even speculation that is it not “of this world.” If we could open our eyes to this on a wider scale, there is so much we could do for the world and for people who have been unfortunate not to receive the blessings of good water.
Water wants to flow and be free. Not forced into pipes and broken down from its original state.
Joan S. Davis of Switzerland committed her life’s work to looking for different practical ways of supplying good water on a mass scale, and to creating ways to repair water that has been damaged from pipes and high pressure systems.
One suggestion she had was to create taps that produce a swirling motion for water — to keep it electrolyzed and alive, and to introduce more “natural movement” methods to water treatment plants.
Water remembers, and it also dies.
The ocean’s salinity can reset the memory of the water. So can water in transition — that is to say, when it becomes vapor or when it thaws from ice. If it did not do this regularly — change from state to state and back again — the mind of water would literally become insane.
Its capacity to retain information and also become three different substances makes it a very powerful element, which in my opinion should be treated more sacredly than anything as it informs our life and our health and pretty much everything else.
It is no coincidence that holy water is used in religious sacraments. It’s really as though it can become a magical, healing elixir if given the proper kind of respect.
There are eternal ways we can surmise and explore how to respect water in more depth, like the Eternal Ocean, which keeps on going and going within every life form.
There is also a theory by Masaru Emoto that more serious crimes ensue where people curse the most often. “Idiot” or “I hate you” are just some of the negative phrases that affect the waters and even the grounds around these places and also in the bodies of humans. In essence, when we curse ourselves, we dis-ease our self. We have dis-eased this planet as well. But all hope is not lost.
There are two words that have been found to cleanse the water most clearly and beautifully: love and gratitude. What if we poured the intention of love and gratitude every day into our oceans? Drinking waters? Our very own bodies? It’s a beautiful outlook, which helps me flow, like water, right into the next realm of my labyrinth.

This is an ongoing series by Kristi Stout.
Tune in weekly for the next chapter in ‘The Labyrinth’.