Rebelle Society

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I Need to Write Undisturbed by Obligations or Worry.

These moments of solitude are necessary, and indeed are the nourishment my mind requires for peace, for sanity. For all my complaints about the necessity of being engaged in other work to earn a living, I recognize the necessity for that as well. Left alone, too often I stagnate and stink and  ...

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The Discord of Dancing with Not-Enoughness.

Moving with wind, swaying with breeze, I gazed up at skies and trees. I danced. I danced my feet into the earth. My base claimed my space. My hips held me as I freed my heart and danced in the art of my garden. Birds’ songs danced along with my song as I whistled and worked in my garden. I  ...

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A Confession: What I Really Do in Public Restrooms.

Do you find yourself feeling half-spoken, half-heard or half-moved? Does your body heat up with energy like a premeditating volcano? Does your body have an empty space that howls with numbing wind? In what ways do unexpressed perceptions, translations and stories get locked in your body and  ...

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Dance: My Panacea of Choice.

Those of you reading this, totally unconvinced, who might never imagine walking into a dance studio, who have been telling yourself that you don’t know how to dance (in the absence of alcohol and over-based club music), you are the exact people who would find the greatest healing from this most  ...

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The Dancing Medicine.

Why, as we grow, do we disconnect from the medicine of our divine, inner child? Why do we block an untamed trust in the wisdom of our non-linear instincts? Why do we stop harvesting the beauty of a flexible mind? Because society values clear divisions between children and adults. Because we  ...

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Can You Imagine Not Doing What You Were Born to Do?

I also cannot imagine working within four walls, where all of my creativity and ideas will die, and I cannot imagine a life without my passions and freedom, in any sense of the word freedom -- mental, physical and creative. I intend to follow my dreams instead of creating a life full of regrets  ...

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Fear no Art, for You Are the Maker of Worlds.

As an artist with many other non-artistic things to do, I have often found it difficult to switch gears. Then I changed my mindset on the whole coming-home-from-work thing. I'm an artist when I take out the trash. I'm an artist who just happens to answering phones. I'm an artist who is writing  ...

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