Rebelle Society

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The Gentle Art of Becoming.

We are emerging now from the moon in her darkest phase. A time to incubate and to unfold into life, instead of chasing it. A time of wisdom and introspection. Planting the seeds of our desires and allowing them to come to fruition as the moon reaches her peak of fullness again mid-month. This  ...

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An Empath’s Journey of Rebirth.

So why do I beat myself up? Why don’t I allow the release? As a healer, I know that you must release to receive, and you must open and heal in order to live a more fulfilling and powerful life. But I am also human, and most definitely living a human existence with human emotions. I’m no saint!  ...

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How to Make Decisions in an Imperfect World.

During the 10-year period from 1905 to 1915, Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, which is one of the most important ideas in modern physics. Einstein’s theory has held up remarkably well over time. For example, general relativity predicted the existence of gravitational waves,  ...

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Standing on My Own Two Feet: Part Two.

I wonder how many times in our lives, when something happens -- an accident or incident -- how much of our experience, our reaction, and feelings are really us or due to our point of view on how we should be feeling, acting, based on what we are taught is good and bad. Do we ever know how the  ...

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Because: The Word That Drives Our Senseless Habits.

The reasons that we use to guide our behavior are just stories that we tell ourselves. Sometimes, those stories are true and accurate. We all have reasons for why now isn’t the right time for that bold move, why we slip up on habits that we say are important to us, and yes, why we do favors for  ...

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My Confidence Trumps Fear.

With an intense and determined gaze, you look them straight in the eye, and one by one, you give them the final chance to speak what’s on their mind. To tell what they so desperately want you to hear. And you let them speak. You don’t interrupt their outburst of worries and fears. You just  ...

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Authenticity: Inhabiting Wildly Tender Revolution.

Congruent authenticity happens in the guts and bowels of your life. Being authentic is the grunt-work of the soul, of any deeply human, spiritual path. Being half here, half there, halfhearted, faking it to look good, strategizing to make things easier for your self — that’s the common way of  ...

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Step Into the Freedom of Becoming Storyless.

The mind will panic and shout stories about who you are and why. It will demand that you identify yourself using words. It’s an adjustment, losing the fixation on the psychology behind yourself, and it feels like intentionally going blind, but you will discover how much more you can actually  ...

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