Rebelle Society

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Hey Valentine, Who Is Going To Love You Today?

It doesn’t matter who you are, what you have done, what has been done to you. No matter how old you are, what you look like, and what your job, financial, and relationship status is like. No matter what other people think of you. You always deserve to find your way back to love.

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The Art Of Opening: Sing Into Being.

I looked up the symbol the coyote was speaking to me. The animal totem teaches how to live amidst paradox -- how to laugh, shapeshift, trust, be cunning and foolish, wise and yet stupid; ultimately how to not take it all so seriously. Known as the trickster, coyote medicine conjures childhood  ...

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Exiling Her Flesh From Bone.

The only map you need is the night sky that is written on the walls of your heart. The only grace you need is the wind within your scream. The only fire you need is the anger rising up from the bellows of your stomach.

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We Need Our Old Wounds, Even When They Ache.

Sometimes we don't know we have made it through a tumultuous period of our life, or that we have overcome a traumatic experience for the most part, until we're 10 years down the road, when we notice that there have been months strung together where we weren't aching or raving or raging or  ...

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Life Comes Full Circle: The Old Wolf-Woman And Youth.

Now she allowed herself to become what she had always been, bit by bit… transforming from tame woman to a wild and untamed wolf. One day, as she sat within her garden, she heard a sound. The high and sweet sound of Youth crashing through the woods, without a care or a thought. Beautiful and  ...

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