Rebelle Society

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archives, wisdom

4 Ways To Practice Love In The Time Of War.

How do we speak, not to the defenses and the armor, the puffed chests and bolstered cases, but to the innocent creatures beneath, rattled and confused? How do we step into the battlefield with curiosity, not to fight, but to call one another home? How do we call each other back to our own  ...

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The Hard Romance Of Grief.

She says suffering proves the depth of my love. I tell her to “Stuff it. I don’t need to prove anything to you!” She whacks me in the head. I call her names, she calls me worse. I apologize. It’s this way with us. But I could use less drama.

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Dear Empath, We Need You.

You will cry out in the meeting in which no one else would raise a hand, shining light on the vibes underlying the entire group. You will speak up for the whales, the ocean, even the air, which has been so violently ripped of life by those around you. You will not stop shedding your tears until  ...

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Are You Ready To Dive Off Your Mental Cliff Edge?

If the journey were easy, everyone would do it. You have to muscle your way past the naysayers, the doubters, and the people who tell you jumping is crazy. They will judge you with their looks, tell you to your face, whisper behind your back, and block you at every turn. But if you listen  ...

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I Don’t Believe In Waiting…

What if we simply chose to take one step? A small one, a big one, any step. What if we listened to the small urges guiding us and took a break from listening to the arguments of our mind? The brain is so good at organizing, criticizing and judging -- always living in the past or some imagined  ...

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Why Staying Present With Loss Is An Act Of Devotion.

I did not engage in this practice to prove something to myself or anyone else. I was not interested in flexing my spiri­tual muscles. I did it for Jenny. My willingness to stay present through this process was an act of devotion. By leaning into the horror and yielding to the sorrow, by  ...

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An Astounding Lucid Confusion.

Some days, stillness is my guide, leading me down the gentle middle way where decisions are not made but followed, life is allowed to unfold as it will, and my own confusions are met with compassion and understanding.

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