Rebelle Society

you & me

Follow the Breadcrumbs: The Path of Magic.

That is the magic of our lives -- we have the choice to 'course correct' at any moment. It's simple, yet we make it so hard because of what we make things mean. What we decide we can’t do or have or be. The idea we’re too old, too young, not smart enough, or 'just a mom' as I had often said  ...

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My Journey to Healing Cancer.

one thing I’ve learned during my journey to healing cancer is that the mind is a very powerful thing, and if one believes chemo or radiation can help them heal cancer, they should try it. My path was about trying to heal the cancer inside by natural approaches, but I would never tell someone  ...

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Yoga for Your Happily Ever After.

If we are genuinely seeking positive change in our lives, then we just get started. We choose the powerful practice of Yoga to facilitate our growth. We don’t hold expectations on how fast or slow this change should take place. We don’t berate ourselves when we have setbacks. We just start

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you & me

Why My Inner Masculine Has Not Held Me.

A key reason the masculine in me is so wounded that he can't step up and catch my feminine when she falls is because he was not allowed to do his job when he most needed to in my life. Instead of being my inner hero, he became my wounded critic. He was castrated.

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