Since I have been working with Venus, I have finally begun to truly understand how to put into practice this old chestnut: Work to live, don't live to work.
Morgan Le Fay has been recast as selfish, cruel, mean, manipulative, power-hungry, and too damn sexual for her own good. It suited patriarchy’s agenda.
The thing about a Mermaid CEO is that she is operating from this place of sovereignty, of infinite, unshakable centered knowing that she has nothing to prove, and that her work is a fun game.
When you hear the world Priestess, when you read about Priestesses, when you watch the Mists of Avalon or the Red Tent, something inside of you tries to leap towards it in excitement.
I'm playing with daily practice to find a way that fulfills me, and trying to release the idea that I should be doing it to be valid or uber-spiritual or whatever. I'm feeling into the shifting energies of the natural world again.