What does my dragon spirit guide's behavior tell me? While elitism, classist prejudice, stereotyping and neglect can most certainly explain the many unexpected 'revenge votes' of this election, I think what's really at play, and what will be under continuous threat of being trumped this entire ...
And I’ve kept my mouth shut. I’ve delicately arranged the duct tape over my own lips. Do-it-yourself oppression. Bring-your-own degradation. I’ve stood in the path of hurricanes — tied my own hands to the tracks. It’s just the way things are done, darling. It’s just the silence we all ...
I carry eons in my claws and infinity in my teeth -- if you peel back my scales, you’ll find everything beneath. Yet… yet… I need you as much as you need me, for what is infinity without minds to grasp it? What is fire without forests to burn? What is laughter if no mountains crumble, and what ...