Rebelle Society

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you & me

Flow Happens When We Melt.

Tainted by my own mess, I had just cause to feel numb, unsure and insolent toward life, and I kept trying to bleed a bit more into a vial that couldn’t be filled. It soon became evident that clinging to resentment was too hard, and my results were more than redundant, cold and tiresome.

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The Sport Of Forgiveness.

Oh, how I loathe Consequences -- the psychological equivalent of a pair of Spanx. Consequences not only squeeze us, they often spank us too. For a people-pleaser who wants everyone to love her, the possibility that my C-people will never forgive me packs a whuppin’ of pain.

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you & me

Can We Use Hatred as the Gateway to Forgiveness?

Truth is, I have always been confused about how to force myself to feel compassion and love for someone if what I am truly feeling is hate. You can’t feel both at once. And trying to force myself to feel love and compassion instead of my honest feelings seems tantamount to using skim milk to  ...

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you & me

The Last 3 Words, If I Don’t See You Again.

When you find yourself truly alone in this world, starting over, and seemingly unloved, it is difficult to find empathy and walk in the shoes of another. Somehow, I was able to do that: through the love I had for my children, I could see their pain and accept my part in that pain.

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