Rebelle Society

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30 Life-Changing Lessons Adventure Has Taught Me.

You can get all the knowledge you want from books, but there is no better way to learn than by doing. Has someone ever given you advice about love? Odds are, you didn't listen. You had to go through that experience yourself to truly learn the lesson. By adventuring, you are setting yourself on  ...

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you & me

A Failed Meditation on Silence.

I had intentionally chosen my home and lifestyle to get away from what I believed to be a materialist society that would have me chained to a desk in debtor’s prison. Unwittingly, I had also chosen a soundtrack that infiltrated my subconscious and impeded the enjoyment of my home and the  ...

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An Empath’s Journey of Rebirth.

So why do I beat myself up? Why don’t I allow the release? As a healer, I know that you must release to receive, and you must open and heal in order to live a more fulfilling and powerful life. But I am also human, and most definitely living a human existence with human emotions. I’m no saint!  ...

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Step Into the Freedom of Becoming Storyless.

The mind will panic and shout stories about who you are and why. It will demand that you identify yourself using words. It’s an adjustment, losing the fixation on the psychology behind yourself, and it feels like intentionally going blind, but you will discover how much more you can actually  ...

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Hey Baby, What’s Your Zodiac Sign?

I realize that we all have characteristics going beyond what it means to be born on a certain day. But when you add one’s place of birth, and time of birth, their true self is revealed, uncovering information that is specific. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the birth records of everyone  ...

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I’m on My Way to Freedom.

If we want to change our life, we have to believe that it is possible. To get closer to our dreams and to what sounds right, we first need to become blank pages. We need to get rid of everything that's not us. We need to close all the chapters of our lives that we have outgrown.

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Damn You, Destiny, and Fuck You, Fate.

I mourned for what I thought was our completion of each other. I mourned for our moral poverty and our perversion. I lamented our symbiotic synchronicity and our delicious heartburn disguised as desire. A little piece of my heart and soul left me that day, like a little piece of stiletto heel  ...

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