Rebelle Society

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The Ripple Effect Of Sharing Our Stories.

If I let myself run naked across this page, you will see me. I will be vulnerable. A deer in an open meadow with a bow and arrow pointed at my heart, or my jugular. I might stand wide-eyed and terrified of being laid to rest in a pool of my own blood-spill, or maimed to the point of crawling  ...

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Finding A New Normal And Healing On My Own Terms.

I tell you this not to gain your pity or to put down one way of healing vs. another. I am sharing this because it is a story of success. I am finding my own way of healing, and discovering that healing can happen on my terms and in my own time and doesn’t have to look like someone else’s.

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you & me

Healing Interrupted: When Destiny Intervenes.

Our paths crossed this morning, destiny once again stirring the pot. No sooner do my eyes adjust from the bright snowy glare to the dim, mood-lit cafe, laptops and lattes everywhere, the din of the espresso machine humming steadily in the background, that I see your face. Your beautiful face. I  ...

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The Real Reasons To Revere Your Yoga Teacher.

Revere him for being just like you: strong, soft, vulnerable, admirable, respectable, lovable and human, oh-so-human. Revere her for coming to her mat every day to acknowledge her strengths and in turn, her weaknesses; her ego and in turn, her humility; his knowledge and in turn, his ignorance.

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