Rebelle Society

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My Journey to Healing Cancer.

one thing I’ve learned during my journey to healing cancer is that the mind is a very powerful thing, and if one believes chemo or radiation can help them heal cancer, they should try it. My path was about trying to heal the cancer inside by natural approaches, but I would never tell someone  ...

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Unraveling Darkness: Ode to an Inconstant Moon.

We cannot meet the Sacred Masculine when we are carrying around the untended energies of rage of our own unhealthy masculine energies which cause us to reject the other side, the female side of ourselves. We cannot perceive the depth of the Sacred Feminine while strangled by unspoken anger  ...

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Seeking Equine Alchemy: Healing Horse Medicine.

Horses have been instrumental, possibly the most influential animals, in human progress in the past centuries. The horses provided transportation, they sacrificed in so many ways, including on the battlefield and the farm field. They have amazing stamina. They have carried us on their backs and  ...

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Truths from Standing Rock Camp.

Native Americans have lived a culture that links them intimately to Mother Earth. Their prayers align with Her. They know Her, therefore they can understand when She needs protecting and honoring, when enough really is enough. Everyone should listen to their advice on how to proceed into the  ...

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