Rebelle Society

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Waking Up To Consciousness.

I am mesmerized by the sun, the way she dances and dapples, illuminating leaves with paprika and turmeric. The veil is with me always, where I am able to move my hand, lucid and glass-like, lifting silken skirts of varied states of existence.

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Cutting The Head Off The Mediocre Monster.

Were you caged as I was? Comfortable in the way you were living, and not really hungering for anything new? Were you pulled out of it against your will? Did you rebel? Are you eternally grateful to who- or what- ever showed you a different way of being?

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you & me

How To Love A Sagittarius.

We are intense in everything that we do, this includes brooding. We will scare you and you will not understand where we’ve disappeared to, what deep chasm within ourselves we’ve slipped into to find solitude and room to expand; where we find the silence to think. Love us there, in that dark  ...

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archives, wisdom

4 Ways To Practice Love In The Time Of War.

How do we speak, not to the defenses and the armor, the puffed chests and bolstered cases, but to the innocent creatures beneath, rattled and confused? How do we step into the battlefield with curiosity, not to fight, but to call one another home? How do we call each other back to our own  ...

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you & me

This Is For The Heart.

This is for the rejected heart, the heart that aches with simultaneous anger and sadness, the heart that slows to the breath of aloneness and change, the heart of impermanence. The unrequited heart. The heart that wants and yearns and breaks.

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15 Years In India, 15 Reasons To Stay… Or Run.

Don’t bring yourself to India, find yourself here. Too many times I’ve seen those who come here and intend, plan, determine, or vow. It’s a waste of time. Let your Indian self be found here, and let your western self highlight it: don’t try and westernize everything. Just flow.

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The Hard Romance Of Grief.

She says suffering proves the depth of my love. I tell her to “Stuff it. I don’t need to prove anything to you!” She whacks me in the head. I call her names, she calls me worse. I apologize. It’s this way with us. But I could use less drama.

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