Rebelle Society

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Step Into the Freedom of Becoming Storyless.

The mind will panic and shout stories about who you are and why. It will demand that you identify yourself using words. It’s an adjustment, losing the fixation on the psychology behind yourself, and it feels like intentionally going blind, but you will discover how much more you can actually  ...

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The Power-Hungry Games: What Is Your Cause?

What makes your heart feel full and warm, and what acts of kindness and service support you to feel alive and at ease in your solar plexus or core? And at the root of passionate service exists a stable human being. How are you taking care of yourself? Can you integrate nourishing self-care  ...

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To Live Freely In A Wild Place.

Once disappeared in the house, she began to disappear herself. It was gradual -- she was surprised if she caught her reflection, at the face looking back. It suited her, the invisibility of old age was just more freedom, for a woman especially. Only she rarely had to think about it, what would  ...

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