What if we could smile with love at others' shortcomings, recognizing ourselves in their darkness and their light, and take responsibility for our own part?
I envision a world where the veils between dimensions are lifted, and all planes of existence are clearly visible to all of humanity -- the heavenly layers intermingling, connecting and complementing each other.
If something feels right to you deep down and won’t harm you or anyone else, just do it without delving into a myriad of endless questions or self-doubt, wondering how it all makes sense or how it will work out. The limited human mind often cannot make sense of the language of the heart and ...
I am incredibly grateful that I have the privilege and honor of witnessing my beautiful daughters evolve and explore their lives. I am able to play with them and watch them learn, delight in their smiles, laughter and all their forms of expression. I look into their eyes and experience the ...