We are opening our hearts to new things that will expand our capacity to love. When we let go and release the sadness we carry, we are left with space inside ourselves, and that space must be filled.
In finding balance, whether in a person or in a society, it is important that we strike a balance -- between yin and yang, feminine and masculine, receptivity and activity -- regardless of which gender we conform to (or not). It is in this balance that we become whole human beings.
Now that I have a choice, I want someone who will choose me back. I used to think I was searching for someone to have and to hold, but I know now I am searching for someone with practice in letting go.
It's okay to let things go when they aren't good for us anymore. That’s how we bring our power back to ourselves, our energy and attention to our new intentions.
You’re learning to let go more too, and that is no easy task, especially when you so desperately want to be loved like you know you deserve but failed to receive as a child, no matter how vehemently this may be contested by those involved.
“Yes, you’re allowed to have this joy. So irresistible that you can’t keep your paws off it. There is no longer any other way to be,” my Earth whispers to me as I return after too long an absence. “Yes, this joy is for you. Just take it.” How could it be that ...