Rebelle Society

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You’re A Teacher… Right?

It’s not that I don’t have more to learn and won’t improve and develop ways to be more impactful, more effective, and more fluid. It’s just that I have earned the right to call myself a teacher and need to grow into that label.

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39 Things I Believe When It All Seems Unreal.

My list started small and kept growing and will continue to grow. This space of calm is like the wingspan of a great blue heron, gliding across the stillness of a channel. It expands and releases and touches, creating ripples to the four corners of a universal web. Our effort to keep pushing  ...

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The Barrage. {poetry}

Walls are heavy and impenetrable, while freedom is light as a feather and infinite… yet it can be hard to carry. Maybe because it can lift you like a bird to unimaginable heights and unknown places we otherwise would never reach.

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you & me

If Love Is A Light, I Am A Prism.

If Love is light, I am a prism. What makes a crystal sparkle? The light. There is no luster without light. Also, luster exists in the facets of the crystal. For on these facets the light is captured, refracted and seen. It is through the facets that Light is recognized. Without facets the light  ...

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