Rebelle Society

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We Really Lose Everything When Love Is Not Our Truth.

Today I deeply grieve the lost. I feel the fear and the anger and the vast unknowing of how to respond to extremism and terrorism and hate. I feel an uprising of compassion and empathy and helplessness and power. I wonder how I will ever make even the slightest shred of difference. I wonder how  ...

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Being Raw & Vulnerable With The Wolf At The Door.

Courage moves through the chaos, one steady step at a time. Your heartache is like a free fall. You can scramble to fill the void, grabbing for whatever fix you can to numb the jagged edges. You can also persevere with quiet dignity. In every moment there are choices, even in survival mode.

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you & me

A Letter To Grief.

Perhaps I should have listened to you when I lost my father. When childhood was stolen from me. When my innocence was taken without my permission. When my marriage fell apart. These were my secrets I wanted to keep.

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Submerged: Let Yourself Feel Deeply.

There is no definitive timeline. Love is timeless and never-ending, and so are the remains of friendships and love. It is truly the only thing that remains from our lives, our connections and how we impacted people. It is never a grand definition of character but all the small moments that remain.

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The Heart Breaking Open: Release Me.

Exposing the heart and soul to the openness required for growth requires letting go of the constructs of our individual identities, in order to become a part of the larger, unquantifiable, indescribable, indestructible loop. It requires extreme vulnerability and attention to uncertainty.

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