Rebelle Society

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The Stillness Of This Precious Night.

My deer have been here. I spy their tracks at the foot of the balcony. I missed them this evening. Oftentimes I catch them quietly by the edge of the porch, feeding from bushes full of berries and greens. When I see them, I toss gigantic organic green apples to them. They like it here with me.

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With Certainty: Healing My Love In A Mirror.

With anxiety, we will navigate the familiar internal conflict that develops when we both realize we can’t be faulty enough to make the other run away. It’s like we both have one foot in with the other poised to bolt if what draws us together becomes a threat to the walls of the mirrored  ...

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you & me

Thank You For Not Calling.

Some wonder why I’m thanking someone who hurt me so deeply and forever changed my life. Buddha’s saying pretty much says it all, Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Holding on to that rage and sadness was only hurting myself.

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