Rebelle Society

Browsing Tag:

Maura Coyne


Seeking Equine Alchemy: Healing Horse Medicine.

Horses have been instrumental, possibly the most influential animals, in human progress in the past centuries. The horses provided transportation, they sacrificed in so many ways, including on the battlefield and the farm field. They have amazing stamina. They have carried us on their backs and  ...

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Tombs. {poetry}

Tie my acres of veins around the globe Marking our compass path of the future The roads of the path like rough guitar strings, leading the way out into the pulsing planet

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Get Wet: Crash with Force into Your Purpose.

I often envision catching the tears of others in a beautiful bowl, and when the crying is done, I throw the tears to the heavens. They fly like diamond-drops to the angels, who grasp them and transform them into light. The angels beam that light right back into the original hearts. The heart is  ...

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