Rebelle Society

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Pain Is The Alchemy Of The Human Spirit.

I have always passively accepted that sometimes shit just happens, keeping my mouth shut in fear or being labeled a bitch or even a prude. I suppose I am afraid of what the reactions will be if I do speak up. I kept choosing to forfeit my boundaries by allowing people to do things like this  ...

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Asperger’s From The Inside.

We have spent our lives feeling like we landed on the wrong planet, like our very nature is not suited to this world, like every glance our way is looking for what is wrong with us, why we are different. And all we want, is all that anybody wants. To be okay. For our voices to be heard; even if  ...

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When You’re Happy And You (Don’t) Know It…

You look at yourself, and realize that while you were busy entrusting the Universe with your happiness, the Universe, in all its wisdom, had been busy setting up these tests to make sure you can actually implement all that you’ve been observing along the way, and not just being theoretically  ...

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you & me

Letting Go Of More Pain Than You Have To Gain.

Even if our friendships, however deep and profound we may perceive them to be, however much care, love, and nurturing we may have poured into them along the way, may not be the same as they once were in their glory days, it does not necessarily mean that the times shared in the past were for naught.

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you & me

A Letter To Grief.

Perhaps I should have listened to you when I lost my father. When childhood was stolen from me. When my innocence was taken without my permission. When my marriage fell apart. These were my secrets I wanted to keep.

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