Stoke the raging inferno with what it desires most: your stagnation, your lies, your excuses, your denials. Your weakness in the face of all that is calling for you to stop hiding from your power and start wielding it like those weapons you’ve just laid to rest; it is in the laying of these ...
We are programmed to crave chaos, pain, intensity. Many of us struggle with getting to the point of attracting love or really wanting it, because the other stuff is so damn addicting. We can blame the past. Stuff like sexual abuse, divorce, and a range of other losses we experience as kids, ...
Offer your grandest struggles as fodder for your brightest future, and then release it to this New, Black Luna -- void of detachment, and full of expectant, grateful, weightless allowance.
Speaking from my own experience, and more specifically, my experience on this unusual day, I am beginning to recognize that there has been an all-out war going on inside me from an early age. This silent battle was waged by my ego against the deep wisdom embedded in my core, which knows ...
Money does not show up when you find you are overwhelmed with grief. Attractiveness does not comfort you when you are suffering from loss. Power gets you nowhere when you are feeling lonely or ill. A best friend is the person who makes you smile through pain, listens when you need to be heard, ...
To God I turned, and in Him I learned that all is just as it needs to be. This moment, this space, and the even greater distance between my lover and I, is what is and what shall remain to be. I chose to deepen my faith, and I miraculously fell into the grace. I did not fall easily though. I ...
I have so much good in my life. So much to be thankful for. And as I inhale at this very moment to write, and follow the rhythm of my breath as anyone normally would, it hurts. It hurts to breathe in, and for as long as I can remember and until I noticed not too long ago, that is the ...
Let the vacuous darkness come and be birthed within its timeless womb. At last, remove your mask, your golden crown, your warring armor. Strip back all that you know and teeter at the edge, tempt your devastation with open palms of candy courage and roar at the wind that turns tricks in your ...