Rebelle Society

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The Blood That Binds Us. {poetry}

I was contemplating the blood that binds us and our bodies, as I was witnessing the never-ending news of gang rapes, date rapes, war rapes and hate crimes against women. Rage. Violent attempt of possessing the female body. Blood spilled.

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Gratitude for Pain.

I'm tired because I cried for hours and hours and hours last night, tears streaming and soaking my pillow, and I woke with swollen eyes, still feeling sorry for myself, missing my partner, lamenting my children's misfortune, and feeling the depths of depression that have characterized my life  ...

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you & me

Tired Goddess, Let Down Your Hair‏.

When is the last time you knew that your ecstatic deep breaths ignite the very fire in your soul? That your own deepest pleasure is saving your life? The night you made love in the woods with the fireflies, a holy shroud around you both? You could not get enough, and you would beg for more.  ...

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Thank Your Pain and Liberate It.

Sometimes the mere memory of a traumatic experience is too painful to even be conscious of, so we suppress it. When we bury our pain, it is still a part of us, only now it is functioning as a shadow aspect. Even if we are unaware of our unconscious parts, we don’t need to know exactly what we  ...

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you & me

It Is not the Storm That Slays Me.

I'm the shipwreck that is still throwing down an anchor. Still trying to secure my shattered pieces to something stable. If I can just hold on to something solid, I'll be whole again. I'm told I will get through this, that I'll move past this. Those words are a waterfall that washes over me,  ...

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