Rebelle Society

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Unraveling Darkness: Ode to an Inconstant Moon.

We cannot meet the Sacred Masculine when we are carrying around the untended energies of rage of our own unhealthy masculine energies which cause us to reject the other side, the female side of ourselves. We cannot perceive the depth of the Sacred Feminine while strangled by unspoken anger  ...

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The Truth About Surrender.

Tantra originally arose in a culture very different from our own, in which women were seen as more powerful and closer to God than men, because of their ability to bring forth life from their bodies. A woman’s body was seen as a bridge between this world and the world of Spirit, and therefore,  ...

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Reclamation of Faith, Heart and Spirit.

My indoctrination had sorted me into a belief system that worshiped a patriarchal god whose texts subjugated women, enabling a patriarchal society where that subjugation could continue to varying degrees across the globe. And the funny thing is, for the longest time, I still wanted to believe  ...

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