It’s about holding ourselves with compassion, which is an antidote to codependency -- and hence, a way to get closer to the divine that always lives within you.
When we willingly meet our shadow and offer it compassion, it no longer has the power to cause harm, and instead becomes another part of the whole. The concept of oneness that we are taught through plant medicine, Yoga and other spiritual practices becomes embodied wisdom, sunk deep into our ...
A deeper cut reveals a culture of psychopathy: a party sickened by its hatred, misogyny and xenophobia; grown too accustomed to deceit; blaming others for its missteps; compromised by a paralysis of ideas; resorting to character assassination and abject humiliation of perceived enemies; ...
And that is the whole point of the initiatory process. It comes crashing into our lives to dismantle and reorganize the status quo when the situation has become unbalanced, unsustainable; when we have been living unconsciously, blind to even our own machinations. It forces us to look ...
We have become the catalysts of change for a new world, the creators of a time when fear is discarded and we instead move from a place of love, authenticity and truth.
Sending my daughters, all of our daughters, out into the world as women empowered by their sexuality is the treasure I have found beneath the ruins of my marriage.