Rebelle Society

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you & me

The Art of Trusting Your Journey.

Life is asking you to keep seeing the signs that have brought you here, to keep hearing your heart, your calling. Yes, synchronicities are harder to find, but they are still there, for sure. You see less of them -- only because fear and anxiety have gotten closer to your skin. Of course, it  ...

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you & me

Caring for Your Creative: Curiosity and a Question.

What have you identified as or with for so long that you have worn yourself silly? I have tugged up Yoga tops, closed the collars of shirts, and only ever worn bathing suits that cover my chest -- except on the rare occasions when I am with my women friends or sisters with whom I swim naked or  ...

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This Retrograde Asks Us To Question.

When I experience heartbreak, I cut my hair, get a new piercing. When I move from one city to another, visits to my old home become painfully lonely. I am no longer here, but here is always in me. I am never the same again.

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you & me

Letter To An Absent Father.

Some days I wondered if you were thinking of me. But it was just a passing thought, and eventually these disappeared too. My smile grew bigger and tears stopped flowing. While mum worked hard to put food on the table, I taught myself to skip rocks, tie my shoe laces, and kick a soccer ball straight.

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