Rebelle Society

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you & me

Thank You For Not Calling.

Some wonder why I’m thanking someone who hurt me so deeply and forever changed my life. Buddha’s saying pretty much says it all, Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Holding on to that rage and sadness was only hurting myself.

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The Sport Of Forgiveness.

Oh, how I loathe Consequences -- the psychological equivalent of a pair of Spanx. Consequences not only squeeze us, they often spank us too. For a people-pleaser who wants everyone to love her, the possibility that my C-people will never forgive me packs a whuppin’ of pain.

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Your Heart Is A Wild Woman.

Your heart is a wild woman; let her live fully in the knowledge that she is beautiful. Let her know that she is enough, existing as she is in this moment in time -- a reflection of the stars themselves. She holds the power and the perfection of the Universe inside of her. It is a perfection  ...

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