The moment you see something with your own eyes and feel injustice with all your senses, you cross an inner border, you know you can’t go back from there.
Just as keeping silent when someone else is being wronged fundamentally supports the perpetrator, staying silent while your own freedoms are being slowly eroded and infringed upon makes you party to your own ruin.
I see your hurt and hunger. I support your right to stand up and be counted. I champion your individuality and unique glory. For every scar that is stamped onto your being, a remnant makes its way to mine.
The Buddhist level of compassion would be changing ourselves so entirely that we can sit with and accept the threat of terrorism and see it for what it is. The biggest mistake we could make is to react in the face of fear and anger. The biggest mistake we could make is to believe the lies we ...
If you are really so afraid of offending this patriarchal society, and if all that stands between you and me being on the same side and working for the same cause is a word, then by all means, go ahead and call yourself an equalist. But please don’t question feminism, or suggest that the whole ...