Rebelle Society

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The Tender Grief Point of Yoga.

For my first eight years of Yoga, it was just one painful game of let’s see how quickly these 60 minutes pass and how much of it I can avoid spending in my body, in feeling. I was not open to the possibility that Yoga was anything but physical.

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Is Narcissism Inherent to the Patriarchy?

It is time to detach from the structures that weave distortion through the collective consciousness and create anew; to call out the narcissists for what they are and refuse to engage with their stories; to demand alternatives to the accepted ways, especially when they feel abusive, discordant  ...

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Kali Yuga and the Dark Medicine of the New Moon.

When we willingly meet our shadow and offer it compassion, it no longer has the power to cause harm, and instead becomes another part of the whole. The concept of oneness that we are taught through plant medicine, Yoga and other spiritual practices becomes embodied wisdom, sunk deep into our  ...

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Defend the Sacred.

Indeed, 'Defend the Sacred' has become a popular theme of the water protectors’ movement. The water protectors are telling the 1% by putting their bodies on the line that business as usual will no longer be accepted, that they can no longer mess with what they should not.

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Unraveling Darkness: Ode to an Inconstant Moon.

We cannot meet the Sacred Masculine when we are carrying around the untended energies of rage of our own unhealthy masculine energies which cause us to reject the other side, the female side of ourselves. We cannot perceive the depth of the Sacred Feminine while strangled by unspoken anger  ...

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To My Sacred Sisters.

Travel to all the forgotten places. Dance naked beneath the shining starlight of your intuition. Rediscover the ancient mysteries drawn on the walls of your womb and the wisdom of the ever-changing scarlet tides of your blood. Step boldly into the long-suppressed fires of sacred anger, allowing  ...

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