Rebelle Society

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The Real Reasons To Revere Your Yoga Teacher.

Revere him for being just like you: strong, soft, vulnerable, admirable, respectable, lovable and human, oh-so-human. Revere her for coming to her mat every day to acknowledge her strengths and in turn, her weaknesses; her ego and in turn, her humility; his knowledge and in turn, his ignorance.

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you & me

A New Year’s Manifesto To Kickstart The New You.

This year, I choose to prioritize myself. Healthy helpful habits? Check -- but with a stronger mindset, one that accepts and accelerates towards truths that grow my soul, so I can show that in 2016, I am a battle cry, a stubborn light, a whispered riot ready to transform words and wonder into a  ...

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you & me

5 Rules Of Engagement To Open Your Heart.

I vowed that if I couldn’t feel engaged, if my heart wasn’t in it -- be it a person or a project -- then it was likely that I needed to walk away, or find a way to enhance my creative nature so that I could be engaged. Of course, this is easier done when you work for yourself and/or you don’t  ...

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you & me

How To Love A Sagittarius.

We are intense in everything that we do, this includes brooding. We will scare you and you will not understand where we’ve disappeared to, what deep chasm within ourselves we’ve slipped into to find solitude and room to expand; where we find the silence to think. Love us there, in that dark  ...

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Dear Empath, We Need You.

You will cry out in the meeting in which no one else would raise a hand, shining light on the vibes underlying the entire group. You will speak up for the whales, the ocean, even the air, which has been so violently ripped of life by those around you. You will not stop shedding your tears until  ...

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