It is all you, it is all in you
breathe your sorrows small
love them small
live them small
We know it is a big ask
but you must make room for your sorrow
Wasn't I just being an over-dramatic college graduate who couldn't handle the heat of a real job? Wasn't I just giving up when I should have stuck with it because hard things come from hard work?
If you are a student, apprentice, client or follower of a shamanic teacher or healer, and your teacher, healer, or shaman shows even a propensity to cross your or another's sexual or sexual-emotional boundaries, meaning, he is oddly charming with you to the point you feel inflated, special or ...
Love’s way touches us sweetly, reassures us, enfolds us in safety, even in the midst of the unknown. It makes the broken pieces beautiful, beautiful enough for us to love the edges back together and bathe the places where they touch in acceptance until every single scar glows with the dazzling ...
Pain in not always bad, you know. It has something to show us. If we reject it, drug ourselves up, curse it, get angry at it, suppress it, bury it, it will just come back again next month. We can blame our misery on it, or face it like a wise teacher.