My inner gnome is a one-foot-tall, short-legged, pot-bellied, always naked (save for a hula hoop of leaves around his waist that do nothing to hide his nether regions), playfully short-tempered, grumpy, and giggly child with a beard. And all this inner gnome wants to do is go out into ...
My inner masculine needs to see my inner feminine's treasure. And she needs to value and trust his too. He has been absent on many levels, not standing up in his power and being there to consistently hold and catch my inner feminine when she falls.
Remember, all of the treasure that you’re seeking is within you, just on the other side of your fear. This degree of self-awareness empowers you to shift your energy and start to embody the courage necessary to uncover the hidden gems within.
The goal is your direction, not your destination. The goal is a mission that you are on, a path that you follow. Whatever comes from that path -- whatever treasure you happen to find along this journey -- well, that’s just fine. It is the commitment to walking the path that matters.