Rebelle Society

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We Teach Best What We Most Need To Learn.

... next time you have the inspiration to create/write/paint/say something but don’t -- because you feel like you’re not good enough, not worthy enough, not experienced enough, not consistent enough, not perfect enough -- do it anyway.

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The Island Of Misfit Toys.

Jesus once said, “Love your neighbor,” to which someone asked, “Who is my neighbor?” His reply was in the form of a story of a man who was in need and the only person who would help was an outsider.

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To Be A Writer.

We want you to sigh in heart-heavy disbelief, especially at the end of the story when the little child dies or the mother returns, too late, much too late, or both of these things happen on the same damn page, in the same damn paragraph, leaving you distraught, welling up, swimming in a river  ...

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Where Do You Find Time To Write?

Find some way of earning money that is not selling your books until you make it, otherwise your writing becomes stressful and there is pressure to write the next piece that will make a few dollars, as opposed to focusing on your magnum opus every morning and night in between working.

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