Cutting The Head Off The Mediocre Monster.

Well met, traveler. I see you’re on the quest of life, to be better than you were, to earn your hero’s blood. It’s a difficult road.
If it weren’t, I’m sure everyone would do it. The promise of a better life, riches beyond all we’ve known, and breakneck adventure, are too much for some to pass up. And so we are here. Before we’re done, we are going to bleed.
We’ll have aching hands and sore bones, and at times, our hearts will be splattered on the floor and we’ll have to pick them back up, dust them off, shove them back in and march on.
Were you caged as I was? Comfortable in the way you were living, and not really hungering for anything new? Were you pulled out of it against your will? Did you rebel? Are you eternally grateful to who- or what- ever showed you a different way of being?
I understand the appeal of the cage — you don’t need to worry about how you’re living, because everyone else is on the same vibe as you, trundling along with their lives as best they can. You did the expected, and dismissed your dream life as something unattainable.
That life we want is our quest. I think we have a duty to save ourselves, honestly. To don our armor, pick up our swords, march to face mediocrity head-on, and slay it. Like the Hydra of myth, it will grow another head. So we lop it off. And another. And another.
It’s a lifelong process and we’ve only just begun, but we are fighters and warriors in our hearts. Giving up is not something we understand; it is not an option.
The thing about the Mediocre Monster is that it appears friendly. It can welcome you in, feed you, and give you a place to sleep. It will give you connection and love you can’t find much on the open road, unless you stumble across another crusader ready for battle and fired up with purpose.
We must look past the friendly facade, and raise our blades to cease the flow of distraction and reaction. We must seek out the magical mentors who show us how to be mindful of our feelings and actions. Are they in accordance with who we truly are and who we want to be?
This road is difficult. Along the way, though, we will find togetherness, help and guidance, should we ask for them.
There are pieces of advice to tuck into a pocket and keep close to you at all times, to be authentic to what you want and who you are. Equally, there are pieces of advice to drop by the side of the road and never pick up again. You must trust your gut to tell you which is which, and don’t believe that you know less than you do.
You’re a force to be reckoned with at peril, and you, as a fighter, know things others simply cannot know. Comfort and compliance only take you so far. We have promised ourselves to go beyond those familiar realms and into the wilds of the unknown, the tangles of fear and doubt and risk.
It’s worth it. I can say, as someone on this journey, I am a hundred times the person I was before I took the first step over my threshold of safety and sank into unknowing. I won’t say it gets easier, because it doesn’t. There are constant obstacles in your path, and some are of your own making.
Raise your weapons, and cut through the dense issues plaguing you. It can be done, but it takes time, so do that — take your time. You’ll thank yourself. We can all thank each other as we cross paths, honor our bravery, salute our battle scars. We will feast on our lives and drink from the cup of prosperity if we keep pushing on.
We are fighters who are called upon to do more, be more, love more.
This, traveler, is where I leave you. The Mediocre Monster is at your heels. Take up your hallowed blade. May you fight on.
Josephine Hicks is a poet living her best life and listening to the call of the Universe for her purpose. She longs for a questing existence. Challenge is something she embraces (after digging her heels in a little…) and she is a fighter at heart. She loves love. Unable to settle for long, she is an adventurer. She wants to honor those who are the best at what they do. Fearlessness is her aspiration, and nature is her teacher. You could contact her via her website.
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